Active in Parliament (National Campaign)

Since he was first elected as the MP for Christchurch, Chris has won a reputation for speaking out fearlessly on behalf of constituents, putting their interests ahead of Party loyalty.

Chris wants to ensure that changes to our laws are properly scrutinised before being enacted. 

Chris has spoken in numerous Parliamentary debates and is a frequent questioner of Ministers. 

He is a former joint winner of The Spectator Parliamentarian of the Year Award.

He intends per his Election Address to continue to be Active in Parliament.

Some of his activities in this regard can be found under this Campaign.


Chris Seeks Restoration Of Lower Corporation Tax

Chris Seeks Restoration Of Lower Corporation Tax 

Gareth Davies The Exchequer Secretary

We now move on to debate clauses 12, 13 and 19. Before I delve into the detail of the clauses, however, let me first briefly set out how they fit into this Finance Bill.