Chris Seeks Statistics And Status Of VDPS On Behalf Of Those Who Died
Christopher Chope Conservative, Christchurch
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, how many claims to the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme relating to covid-19 vaccinations up to 6 September 2023 were made on behalf of someone who had died; and, of that number, how many (a) were awarded, (b) were rejected and (c) are outstanding.
Maria Caulfield The Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health and Social Care, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Business and Trade) (Minister for Women)
Data up to 6 September 2023 is not currently available. As of 1 September 2023, the NHS Business Services Authority has received 539 COVID-19 vaccine related claims on behalf of someone who has died. Of these claims, 53 claimants have been informed they are entitled to a Vaccine Damage Payment, 199 have been rejected and 287 claims are outstanding.
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